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Level 4 Pro

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Rank:  315

RE: Hope for Next Year
attacking a reviewer for any reason is against site rules. You can send a private detailed message to the site administrator, Tom, and often the site will step in. Some years ago, I gave a fellow a 3-star rating. He reviewed me in return, gave me one star and said, "Now you know how it feels!" I told Tom. Revenge reviews are also against site rules, and that guy got suspended.

Also years ago, I got a review from a new member that began something like this: "I've read lots of writers, but you. You're great." He went on with over-the-top flowery praise but didn't mention a thing about the entry. I got suspicious. When I checked his profile, I saw he had cruised all the well-promoted entries that day and sent each that same message. I notified Tom and the reviewer seemed to immediately disappear.

I really, really hate when someone just trolls entries, hands out praise for my "wonderful poem" and takes his reviewing pay. I write stores and very seldom write poetry. Those folks, I mute.

Julie Helms

Poet Rating
Rank:  25

Short Works Rating

Rank:  9

Novel Rating
Rank:  21

Review Stars
Rank:  21

#9 Ranked Author

RE: Hope for Next Year
Message edited:

I'm glad to see this issue being discussed. I have only been here a few weeks. My reason for joining is because I want to improve my writing, which I can only do with honest feedback. I have received lots of nice compliments, but NO suggestions, other than to change the color of my font. That in turn has made me very nervous about reviewing. It was obvious from the beginning that five stars is the norm. I think I have given out more four stars than I've seen total altogether. I have never seen a three star on the site yet. Yesterday, I spent a good 20 minutes reading through a long story that was very poorly written. I will generally pick out one or two suggestions to give them. It honestly needed a one or two star review. But I looked at the previous ratings, all five stars, not a single reviewer mentioning anything wrong with the writing itself. So I caved at a four-star. No one is doing that writer any favors. I am new, so not wanting to upset the apple cart. But having someone like that get five stars, totally devalued all the stars my articles have received.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  100

Short Works Rating

Rank:  22

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  4

Review Stars
Rank:  68

#4 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Hope for Next Year
We must stay the course. I believe things can change again. If enough people stay honest and demonstrate integrity, then others will follow.

Members have to come to realize that the friendship they are looking for can't be bought. That isn't real. I know they are lonely, they want community and friends, especially in their later years.

But with age should come wisdom. If someone is only your 'friend' because you give them unearned praise and five- or six-star reviews, then they are NOT your friend. You are not helping them, and they are not helping you. Many don't even read your work, I know you can tell.

2021 Novelist of the Year

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Script Rating

Review Stars

Rank:  416

RE: Hope for Next Year
In a review I once told a writer that if he didn't read the the instructions he was wasting his money entering. The writer complained an I was officially warned by Tom. Sometimes it seems you just can't win.


Level 1 Pro

Short Works Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  185

RE: Hope for Next Year
I remember the late, great Adewpearl saying she always gave fives followed by an honest review, because people were more likely to read and heed advice given under those circumstances. People fly round the light over the stars, which blind them to the advice.

I remember the 'no stars' review option. I used it myself a few times. I thought it was useful when, for example, I wanted to post about a recently deceased member, but thought it was distasteful to have it count towards my rankings. People might have felt duty bound to give high ratings, given the subject.

I also recall struggling with reviewing work by members clearly in serious distress. How could I give 3 stars to a post detailing how the author was suicidal following tragedies or similar? I thought at the time the site should require those posts to be outside of the star system, but have no idea how you would do that.


Level 4 Pro

Poet Rating

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  315

RE: Hope for Next Year
sometimes it's better to skip reviewing. If someone is suicidal, there's nothing you can do. Giving them a false review to make them feel better doesn't fix their problem. I wonder how many writers on this site, after being given nothing but five stars, have submitted a poem or a story for publication only to receive a cold rejection notice. It's better to tell it like it is and offer helpful advice about revision than to give an okay to a posting full of grammatical errors, poor punctuation, and abominable spelling.

Brett Matthew West

Poet Rating

Short Works Rating

Rank:  45

Novel Rating
Rank:  26

Script Rating
Rank:  6

Review Stars
Rank:  124

#6 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Hope for Next Year
Message edited:

Valid, and viable, comments being made in this thread. Unfortunately, the FanStory social club does not appear very welcoming to those who offer honest reviews. This keeps those who do provide honest reviews mainly in an unwelcomed minority. The suggestion of somehow marking a piece you have written where an honest review is desired is spot on. 

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  100

Short Works Rating

Rank:  22

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  4

Review Stars
Rank:  68

#4 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Hope for Next Year
Very true. Those who view FanStory as a Social Club, where seniors meet, will resist any change. They live for internet friendship and will never risk that for such a thing as honesty. Same for those who use FanStory for Therapy. They expect fives, praise and sympathy. That's all they want, and they give fives in return.

Lastly, you have those who enjoy the monthly and yearly rankings. Giving endless fives and six star praising reviews is how they guarantee getting them back, then staying in the top five. To me they are the worst. Because, mostly, their writing is pretty good, they edit constantly, but... when they review others, the truth goes out the window. They care nothing for helping other improve, which requires honesty.

I think for a year, the site should consider getting rid of the monthly rankings. Those made things worse, not better.

shelley kaye

Poet Rating
Rank:  6

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  83

#6 Ranked Poet

RE: Hope for Next Year
everyone in this thread who gives honest helpful reviews can review any of my stuff at any time LOL

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