Children Non-Fiction posted March 5, 2020

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A poem-story for the contest Through the eyes of a Child

Growing Up

by Marjon van Bruggen

My son turns seven
his guests arrive. They
gather in the living room.
Short men. Men in first grade with
smooth jaws and chins.
Hands in pockets, they
jostle and jockey for a place.
"How old are you? Six. I'm seven".

They eye each other
seeing themselves tiny
in the other's pupils.
The sound of clearing throats,
a room of small bankers.
They fold their arms and frown:
"I could beat you up" a seven to a six.

My son, freckles like specks of nutmeg,
long hands, cool and thin as the day
they guided him out of me, speaks up
as a host for the sake of the group:
"We could easily kill a two-year-old"
he proclaims in a clear voice.

The other men agree
they clear their throats again
like Generals; then relax
and get down to playing war,
celebrating my son's life
with huge amounts of lemonade.

Through the eyes of a child writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a short story (100-500 words). The story must include a child's perspective of an object or situation. The story may be told from the viewpoint of the child, or an adult.

children around the age of six live in a make-believe world, trying to find their own identity and place in the grown-up world. It fascinates me to observe them.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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