Spiritual Non-Fiction posted August 7, 2019

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Satan is a scripture twister

Correcting Scriptural Error

by Deniz22

Jesus said, "You will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved."
Mark 13:13 NKJV

The misunderstanding of Mark 13:13 is an error which has struck terror into the heart of many a faint-hearted believer over the years.

Ironically, it is intended to comfort persecuted believers going through the terrible 7-year Tribulation, which immediately follows the Rapture of the Church.

Here is the correct interpretation of this verse in its context, both immediate and extended:

1. First and foremost, it is NOT a litmus test for TRUE faith, since the ones addressed are "hated by all" as a direct result of their being faithful in the hostile environment of the Tribulation.

Secret believers exist, but they are not hated by unbelievers. Of such, Jesus has said He will be ashamed before His Father and the Holy Angels. However, God keeps His Word and so they are still His children.

The misuse of this verse (Mark 13:13) to intimidate believers is most normally seen among those who don't believe God gives eternal life simply based on grace appropriated by faith in Christ. John 5:24 is ignored or twisted in meaning to maintain this unscriptural position.

2. Thousands, perhaps millions of believers will be martyred for Christ during the Tribulation. Those believers who survive will be strengthened by the scriptures, as prophetic passages come alive to them which we carelessly neglect today.

They will be looking for deliverance and this great promise of Christ's about enduring to the end will be a bulwark of comfort to them then, in a way unknown to us today.

3. When Jesus promises these believers they will be saved, He is not speaking of salvation from condemnation and Hell.

Rather, He is speaking of them being saved in a physical sense, delivered from the rigors and stresses of the Tribulation by His Second Coming.

4. Right now, no one knows when Jesus will come, except God the Father. However, once the Rapture happens and the Tribulation begins, ALL who listen to scripture will know HE is coming at the END of the Tribulation.

So, "He who endures (lives through) to the end (end of the Tribulation, not the end of one's life) will be saved (not saved from condemnation and Hell) but from the trials and dangers of the Tribulation.

Jesus is coming to establish His Kingdom, rescue and redeem Israel and govern the Gentile nations made righteous by faith in Him, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the King of kings and the Lord of lords!


John 5:24 New King James Version (NKJV)

â??Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.
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