General Poetry posted April 20, 2019

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Grand-parenting is complicated...


by Reese Turner

Just eight years into grand-parenting, I’ve a ways to go,
But I sometimes feel I am two grands, a true dichotomy.
There is me who cherishes the sound of their laughter
While the other me hears their crying, wants to flee!
Oh, these little darlings can be sugar and spice so dear
When they cuddle, sing, laugh,  or through toys roam,
But, when they fight each other, whine, throw tantrums,
The bad me says, “It’s now time to send them home!”


Rhyme writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write an eight line rhyming poem. second line rhymes with fourth line. Sixth line rhymes with eighth line.

We are up to six grands. I might have to go to name tags with any more. It ain't easy, but it has moments...
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