Writing Fiction posted March 15, 2019

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
A drink can cross borders

Not A Place To Be Found In

by Yvon

Bart, tending bar at Shanty's Tavern, served up a wine spritzer to the fine looking woman sitting at the far right side of the bar.

It was early, even for this place. Only 9 am. The bar opened at 8.

Rachelle, 'a regular' was the only other patron in the place.

The lady appeared to be in a somber mood. Not saying much as Bart tried to chat her up. So he left her alone.

Rachelle being a fixture of the joint was, leaning on elbows, perched upon the stool that she just assumed belonged to her. No one argued about that, ever!

When the doors opened in the morning, there Rachelle was, waiting and bitching about Bart being five minutes late.

Rachelle sat at the opposite end of the bar from the stranger, giving her dirty looks whenever she took her eyes off the pint sitting before her. Then, out of character, Rachelle yelled over in her best Bogart impersonation.

"Hey shweet heart. What's a dame like you doing in a joint like this?"

The lady actually laughed. She then picked up her drink and walked over to where Rachelle was seated.

"May I join you?"

"Only if you buy me a beer." Rachelle said with a sneer.

"I'll buy you two."

The Sneer disappeared as Rachelle had now found her new best friend.

"So what are you doing here at this hour of the day?" Rachelle asked.

"You really want to know?"

"Not really," came the reply.

"But, you're buying, so I'll lend an ear."

"Oh, by the way, I'm Samantha," she said putting her hand out to shake. When Rachelle offered hers, Samantha retrieved her own.

"Don't blame yah."

"For what?" Samantha said innocently.

Rachelle shrugged and sipped her beer.

"So give it up Sam."

"What is it, man problems?"

"Yes and no."

"Really, yes and no. Must be pretty bad if you can't decide if you have a problem."

"Oh, but I do," Sam said as the bartender was waved over by Rachelle.

"We'll have two doubles of Grey Goose with lime on the side," said Rachelle with a smile.

Bart looked at Samantha. She nodded her head.

"So what is it Sam?"

"You know; your big problem," asked Rachelle.

"Shhh... My husband is looking for me. He has eyes and ears everywhere. Doesn't want me drinking 'alcohol'. Says I'm a drunk!"

"Well, that makes two of us."

They both laughed and joked and ordered more drinks. Samantha's problems disappeared, that was until her husband walked in.

Two women sit at a deserted bar writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story using the premise two woman sit at an otherwise deserted bar. They share a secret. They strike up a friendship.

Thanks to avmurray for the great photo. Alcohol addiction can infest any class of people. It is sometimes the hidden addiction. Sam's husband walking in was a problem because he didn't like her drinking so much! Hence the title.
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Artwork by avmurray at FanArtReview.com

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