General Poetry posted January 22, 2019 Chapters:  ...20 21 -22- 23... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
a sonnet
A chapter in the book Miscellaneous Poems

Fade to Black

by CD Richards

The headlong rush of moth to candle's flame
is understood by very few but he.
A fly, entrapped within the spider's game,
will come to rue his loss of liberty.

Why is it that we seldom can foretell
the sad conclusion of our errant ways?
Do pheromones control us with their smell,
ensnaring us within a perfumed haze?

No longer does the scent of you hold fast
the chains which bound my once impulsive heart.
These insubstantial dreams must now be cast
aside—there'll be no tears as I depart.

Watch as this moth evades the deadly light
and fades into the refuge of the night.

Sonnet Poetry Contest contest entry


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