Supernatural Poetry posted December 29, 2018 Chapters:  ...25 26 -27- 28... 

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Glimpse into the unknown
A chapter in the book Poems of Love and Spirit

Happiness Shines

by gudbjorg

I'd like to say this to all I know:
God's sparkling spirit came in you to grow.
From a heavenly mansion, it flows to you,
So beautiful and so unearthly true.
It landed where it was meant to land,
Destined for you to understand.

Look to the light, it'll guide your life,
Freeing you forever to blossom and thrive.
Let love flourish, filling your heart,
As it was meant to right from the start.
Happiness shines like a glittering star,
All around you, both near and far


This poem came to me supernaturally and all I had to do was write it down, like a channel or a conduit. We don't find happiness, it comes to you as you give it away.
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