Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted August 5, 2018

This work has reached the exceptional level
It is sometimes better to travel cheerfully than to arrive.

The Road

by tfawcus

The way is straight and narrow,
the destination near,
but I prefer a winding road,
an ancient road more dear.

For me, the road's what matters,
the road that hugs the hill.
When I am on the old road,
I have no fear of ill.

The hawthorn bends and beckons,
so, too, the Old Man's Beard.
This road is safe, I reckon,
but the destination's feared.

I must espouse the winding way
beyond the wicket gate,
where every footstep's heaven;
I care not if I'm late.

Rhyming Poetry Contest contest entry


Image of an etching by Robin Tanner - The Wicket Gate
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