Biographical Poetry posted June 12, 2018 Chapters:  ...16 17 -18- 23... 

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Alternate mono rhyme
A chapter in the book Thoughts About Love

In Sickness and in Health?

by Bucketlist

After 50 years of marriage ......
It is becoming clearer to me
That because I have Parkinson's
My spouse now wants to be free

He is reluctant, often opposed
To do things every day you see
He says I'm a pain to deal with
it just "drives him up a tree"

His attitude sends the message
But if challenged will disagree
He has a personality disorder
As well as the syndrome ADD

He plays golf 3 times a week
Then comes home to watch TV
4 hours during his viewing peak
When quiet I'm supposed to be

I understand it's not easy for him
Its no less easy to be me
I tried my best for the marriage
Now he's casting it selfishly

OUR wedding vows disregarded
I never thought this would be
Such lack of his appreciation
Of my carer years of family

Thanks for reading, I am just hurt and sad. The place where he wants to leave me, is beautiful. It is the idea about him wanting to be free of any responsibility that is my problem.
No sympathy please, plenty of others are in the same situation.
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