Romance Fiction posted January 2, 2017 Chapters:  ...7 8 -9- 10... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
The plot thickens.
A chapter in the book Perennials of War

Chapter Three part drei

by barbara.wilkey

Is Anderson a gallant knight? Can he recover Shana's family's stolen relics and heal the wounds of genocide?

"Drew," whispered Philip. "The hotel receptionist has two men at her desk asking to see Ms. Kohlberg. She told them that Shana had checked out. They want more information. What should I tell her?"

"Tell her...."

"Shh, you don't want them to hear you."

Anderson lowered his voice. "Tell her you have no idea who Ms. Kohlberg is." He shook his head and returned to the table. "This isn't good," he muttered. His eyes met Shana's. "Are you sure you have no idea what this is all about?"

"Positive." Tears welled.


Chapter 3 part 3

Jane leaned over and put her arms around Shana. "It'll be all right, dear. Drew will get to the bottom of this."

"If I don't know what we're dealing with, I can't get to the bottom of it." He pushed his plate away.

"I fly home tomorrow, so your life will get back to normal." Shana stood. "I'm going to my room."

Anderson motioned for Romeo to follow. The dog did.

As Shana walked into the adjacent room, she paused to answer her ringing cell phone. "Hello, Aaron, just a minute. I'm on my way to my room." She walked as she listened. "What?" She halted.

Anderson touched her arm, grabbed her phone, identified himself, and then said, "You must be Shana's brother. What's happened?" He listened, before he continued, "Shana's safe and will remain here. I'll handle things from this end." He paused. "Do you have any idea what these people want?"

After hanging up, he motioned for everybody to return to the dining room table. Helen had just removed the last of the dishes.

They took their seats and waited for Anderson to speak.

"What happened?" asked Philip. "I understand Shana will be our guest for a few more days."

"She will."


"But nothing." Anderson's eyes met hers. "Men have been asking questions at the hospital where your brother's doing his residency. Also your parents have been visited. So far, they just want to know where you are."

"Philip, cancel her flight for tomorrow. If they give you any problems, drop a few names."

He nodded and left the room.

"I can't stay here." Shana's eyes met Anderson's. "I'm putting all of you in danger, and besides, how does it look? You're a bachelor, and I'm single."

"This is the twenty-first century. Nobody cares about that anymore." Anderson hesitated. "Besides, that's the least of your worries. There are men out there who want something from you and aren't opposed to violence to get it."

Philip returned. "The flight's taken care of. Is there anything else I can do?"

"Put a security detail on her brother and her family. Be sure to include her grandma." Anderson smiled. "I have a feeling she's a feisty lady." He glanced at Shana. "Am I right?"

"You are. She's very old school."

"I'll be sure to let Grandma know your room is on the opposite end of my apartment. There's a reason I had Jane take you to the east end."

"Thank you."

"Just to ease your mind; we'll never be alone either. Although Philip, Jane, and Helen work for me, they're also friends and live here. Your reputation's safe."

Shana looked down at Romeo, who had put his head in her lap, and then back at Anderson. "Why is this happening?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." Anderson checked his watch. "It's too late tonight, but first thing in the morning I'm going to visit the art museum and see if I can find out any information."

"I'll come with you," said Shana.

"No you won't. We're working hard to make sure those men aren't positive you're here."

"I doubt they'll give you any information about my situation."

"She has a point," said Jane.


Many fans have asked for a character list. I don't like doing them, but here's my version of a character list.

Characters so far:
Shana Kohlberg -- a 25 year old high school English literature teacher -- she's trying to recover her family's painting

Anderson Sharp -- often called Drew -- 31 years old -- works part-time on Wall Street -- a billionaire from Texas oil wells

Dmitry Bezrukov -- one of three Russian men in black suits

Jeff -- takes care of Anderson's cars

Helen -- Anderson's cook

Jane -- Anderson's housekeeper

Philip -- Anderson's butler -- close friend and confident

Ben -- Anderson's dog walker

Axel -- Anderson's lead German shepherd

Thor -- Anderson's second German shepherd

Romeo -- Anderson's third German shepherd

Aaron - - Shana's older brother; very protective of her


Thank you Google Images for an image of a beautiful Star of David. I appreciate all of your reviews and the help and support you give me. I am listing this under romance because it is a romance, but those of you who have previously followed me know my romances are more than just romance, this novel will have suspense as an underlying theme.
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