Spiritual Non-Fiction posted November 10, 2016

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I am so thankful for what God has done for me!

God Gave me Hope

by Teri7

What God has done for me is beyond compare! I am now 60 years old. Was on prescription medication for about thirty five years of my life. It took me to a point where I could not function as well as I should have been able to. Let's just say that the enemy was trying to take my life, but God had other plans for me.

When I awaken now I am honestly talking to God and praising His precious name for allowing me to live another day and do His will.

He blesses me with being able to help my husband take care of our two and a half year old grandson.

He blesses me with being able to attend our church on Sundays, Wednesday nights and help clean the church on Saturdays.

He blesses me with a wonderful Christian husband that has taken care of and provides for me and still does!

He blessed me with our three handsome and intelligent sons that I love so much!

He blessed me with seven beautiful and sweet cats that make me smile.

He blesses me every morning when I awaken to see another beautiful sunrise.

He blesses me with all the wonderful people that I have come in contact with here on Fan Story.

He blesses me with food on our table and a roof over our head.

He blesses me with each phone call I get from our sons.

He blesses me with the knowing that I am His child and He loves me unconditionally.

He blesses me with the feeling of His mighty Holy Spirit.

He blesses me with our wonderful church and congregation.

He blesses me with a deeper love for people that I never really had before.

He blesses me with more tolerance for stupidity and crazy things that happen.

He blesses me with so much more too. When I think of Him dying on the cross so long ago and as he was on the cross I was on His mind, but guess what? So were each of you!

He is no respecter of persons. He loves us all so very much. We all are blessed because of that.

I feel blessed when I walk outside, and regardless of the status of the weather, I do know that He is in control of each day and night!

See the God I serve is perfect. He is all knowing. He created every little intricate detail of each thing for his enjoyment. I am thankful He saw something good enough that He did that for me too.

When I feel the Holy Spirit' presence I am totally overwhelmed at times. It is so strong and powerful that I can't help but to realize that He is alive and so very real. It makes me so sad for those walking around not even knowing anything about Him and some that know about Him, but just don't care. He is coming back and it's a lot sooner than we think. My goal is to be ready and try to help those that need love and things I can do to help them in this crazy world we live in now.

I am truly blessed that the election is over as it made a lot more confusion than anyone talking about the Lord coming back to claim His own.

I am truly blessed to read from others about how they feel now that the election is finally over. I, too, feel that same way. We have to know that no matter what we decided, in the long run, that God has the final say over everything. He does allow free will to a certain degree, but He is in charge and I am so very glad He is!

I hope you all can see why I feel so blessed!

Written by: Teresa A. Shortess
Copyright 2016

What God has done for me contest entry


Thanks to VMarguarite for the great art work that goes so well with this post!
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Artwork by VMarguarite at FanArtReview.com

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