Horror and Thriller Poetry posted October 16, 2016

This work has reached the exceptional level
A late Picture Challenge

A Haunting Tale

by Chrissy710

                               A Haunting Tale 
"This house is haunted," so they say, but I went in the other day.
For many years I have walked past, with hurried steps that were quite fast.
Yet on this day as I drew near, no more this house would hold my fear.
I found my way through all the grass, pushed it aside, so I could pass. 

Up to the door my breath I held, my rising fear inside I quelled.
I turned; then thought too late to run, this new adventure had begun.
I knocked and waited patiently, it slowly opened silently.
I swallowed hard and said, "Hello," but really wanted then to go.

A woman dressed in finery, held out her hand to welcome me,
"Why, hello, Rose, please come inside." I did, although was petrified.
But she just smiled "Do come in dear, be not afraid, there's naught to fear.
Our visitors are just a few, but we have been expecting you."

So once inside I looked around, and this is what I really found.
The decor', lovely, so well planned, bright chandeliers and carpet grand.
'Twas nothing like you would suspect, while all outside is in neglect.
"Into the lounge," she said to me. "Rose, please do meet my family."

I smiled and said, "How do you do, 'tis lovely to meet all of you."
Then she said  "Sit, this is your place." A smile appeared upon her face.
"Now tell us all without delay, what brought you here to us today?"
And so we spent some time in chat, with lots of small talk, this and that.

She said, while tea was being served, "Some rumours no doubt you have heard.
Like all who pass through our front door, cannot go back to life before.
They say we are the living dead, but those outside have been misled.
We are alive; seen with your eyes, do not believe those silly lies.

Now drink your tea we've made for you, for visitors a special brew."
I sipped, the flavour, was divine, sent tingles up and down my spine.
A piece of cake upon the plate, to be polite I quickly ate.
Then said, "Now must be on my way," and thanked them for a lovely day.

I turned and said to them,"Farewell," and hurried home with much to tell.
I rushed inside my kids were there, but as I spoke I saw them stare.
I heard them say, "Was that someone?" They looked around. "Is that you, Mum?"
Their faces blank, they did not see, I tried to tell them that was me.

And then I realized I WAS DEAD; it was no lie, I'm one instead.
I felt the panic then arise, they could not see me with their eyes.
I raised my voice and tried to shout, they did not hear, for naught came out.
So tried again to really scream; then I awoke, 'twas just a dream.

Christine 16/10/2016



Ha Ha, I had fun with this one letting my imagination take over, and thanks to Sandra so much for the wonderfully inspiring Image of this old house.
Sorry I am late getting this written for this challenge and many thanks to those who read it.
Please read the others too.

PS: Many Thanks to those who have helped with my punctuation especially Jackie Franklin who has been a great editor for this all assistance is much appreciated.

Cheers Christine
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