Spiritual Non-Fiction posted October 1, 2016

This work has reached the exceptional level
Thank you VMarguarite for the great art work.

Where Are You God?

by Teri7

As I sit here my mind goes haywire. Sitting here in immense pain, due to significant pain from a Urinary Tract Infection. I forgot how bad they were until now. I struggled with them for so long when I worked at the police department. I never took breaks to go potty, so you can only imagine how I suffered back then.

I got my flu shot on Friday and could not go to sleep for any amount of money. I was aching in every part of my body. I don't think I even got a few minutes of sleep. My husband checked with the pharmacy to see if this was normal with the flu shot. John, the pharmacist, said it seemed I was having an allergic reaction to the shot.

It didn't seem quite right to me, but who was I to question someone with more knowledge about the flu shot than I?

The same things kept happening with so much intense pain.

I was talking to one of my sons and he said, "Mom, I don't think the flu shot is supposed to make you feel like this!"

So my mind went to work once more. It made good sense to me too. Keep in mind during this time I was praying and talking to the Lord too. I never leave Him out of anything in my life.

I was hurting so bad I got my husband to talk to our doctor's office so I could give a urine sample.

I was able to do that and off to the doctor's office we went after we left from babysitting Greyson.

I remember talking to the Lord and practically begging for some relief and wondering why He wasn't answering my prayer?

And yes, I totally rebuked satan many times during this time. I do not capitalize satan for anyone. So not a typo.

I was waiting on the nurse to come talk to me. As Connie approached me I was hoping it was going to be good news, but to me it was not! She let me know she had no idea why I was hurting as my urine test came out fine.

I was happy it was fine, but I truly was not fine!

I explained that I could not keep hurting this way and I needed some help. She referred me to the Nurse Practioner across the way.

As I was sitting there I begin to pray and cry out to the Lord! He let me know that help was on the way. I got really excited and was anxious to meet Lauren.

When I finally got called back I met the most beautiful young lady with such a warm and caring smile. I knew at the moment I was in the right place. The longer we talked I realized she knew exactly what she was talking about. She put me on antibiotics for 10 days and something else. She explained everything to me really good.

I may still be in pain for right now, but somehow I know that help is on the way.

I would appreciate if you would say a prayer for me if you have read this through. I do realize we, as humans, have to go through things in life and it is not always easy or pleasant, but I do realize that nothing we face on this earth can compare to the pain our Lord, Jesus Christ went through as he was hanging on that cross. The torture and pain had to be horrific, but He did it all for us. He truly wants us to love Him and worship Him.

Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Teresa A. Shortess


Just so you will know why I haven't posted much lately. May God bless you all!
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by VMarguarite at FanArtReview.com

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