Spiritual Poetry posted October 19, 2015

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Nor can we know.

We cannot guess...

by royowen

We could never guess or can even know,
The length of this life nor what stems its flow.
Now some will predict the stars they will show
Our days here on Earth, but how can they know?

This life that will end (it seems some can see,)
in just nothingness, (I cannot agree.)
When once I will die, those worms will roam free
(well, when we are dead, then what care have we?)

For where can l find? These facts even read,
To glean all these truths, is this wisdom's seed?
Now How many books, fulfil all this need,
if death's a dark void, where is this decreed?

If you can believe if past history's paged,
Men and those heroes, in some wars that raged,
Just who wrote those books? And how is truth gauged?
If trusting is faith, how can this be staged?

(My refrain..)
If faith is a choice, then this I believe,
Yes, this brings me peace, in this I'll not grieve.

When Christ gave His life it helps me to see,
Indeed all my future sits outside of me.
If I can believe, beyond this life's sea,
then I'll always live, from death's sting I'm free.

If we can but trust in God's holy book,
He has rescued us from old Satan's hook,
If you cannot see, in blindness you're stuck,
Then ask God for sight, then you won't need luck.
R.Owen 19/10/2015


I was criticised a couple of weeks ago, and called a brainwashed fool. So I've written this after having deep thoughts about this subject. Incidently there's a scripture that says in 1 Corinthithians 1:25 "The foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength." In 1Cor. 3:19 "He catches the wise in their craftiness."
For the first 41 years of my life I believed in various philosophies, such as atheism, socialism, humanism etc. but the trouble with these beliefs is they bring no satisfaction, no hope, just intelectual answers with no evidence or conclusions, certainly no books I've read give any conclusive evidence to anything! Even history books were written by men, we tend to believe them, why?
There's probably more evidence of Christ's existence and life than any other person in history. His birth, death and resurrection were prophesied many hundreds of times in the Old Testament, And indelibly accurate what's more. He's the only living initiator of any religion in the world.
At least He brings hope, I'd rather labour under that "delusion" than any hopeless one. I apologise for any offense this brings. This is my truthful belief. Roy Owen.
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