Letters and Diary Poetry posted May 29, 2015 Chapters:  ...10007 10009 -10011- 10015... 

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A chapter in the book Get Well, Brooke!

A Rivulet's Charm

by jlsavell

A rivulet etches right through his back lot;
lazily meandering or with
a stirring gush, depending
on the mood of the day
But regardless, it is always enchanting
Spectators anticipate
this stream's morning presence
For on its vigorous, fluent journey,
it carries splendor acquired the day before
and deposits wonderment with finesse
along its welcoming banks
This watercourse has a gift of wisdom
which can be heard when the mind stills
A great teacher imbued with skill
Constantly reminding-
life is beautiful
This rill's serenity begs one
to come and sit
Listen to its effervescence
The intimate orchestration
of the graceful life which surrounds
Flora and fauna long to recline
next to its soothing whispers
Hoping to be enveloped
as subjects of the creek's song
Children eagerly skip
 to the streamlet's magical charm,
as a natural fluidity
mutters assonance and consonance
through its journey
Bedazzled and entertained
by chameleon visions, ever-changing
Grown-ups love to return
and stroll along the banks
A cornucopia of inspiration
A peaceful and spiritual
embodiment of natural talent
Certainly God’s unforced chisel
which carves out beauty, like a versifier’s pen
Just as the transcendent poet,
its muse must flutter through
the air like gossamer fairy wings
or float like the dancing brush
of a dandelion’s scatterings
Yes, I do love the rivulet
which sunders through
my Son’s yard
Each time I sit at its banks,
I am reminded of Brooke



For you Brooke
Oh, and I do believe in "The Wizard of Oz" ask my sweet Sarah

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