Spiritual Non-Fiction posted April 27, 2015

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Let us make god over into our image...

Finding the Right Size God

by Deniz22

I once talked with a young man about the need of accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior. In the course of the conversation, he told me he had seen God while on a trip fueled by LSD.

I found that interesting so I asked him, "What was God like?"

I never forgot his response. He answered, "He was just about my size."

Interesting, since he stood about 5' tall!

I've met many since that time who are very happy to have a god "just about my size". A nice, manageable god...pocket-size perhaps, to be carried like a lucky charm, a celestial rabbit foot, to be brought out for extreme situations.

How different the God of the Scriptures, whom the "heavens can not contain"!

C. S. Lewis writes of Lucy, in the Chronicles of Narnia. She had wandered in the wilderness for some time and at last came to a stream of water. She was dying of thirst and was about to drink, when she noticed, to her horror, a lion beside the brook.

He invited her to drink deeply and satisfy her thirst.

"First promise me you won't eat me," she pleaded.

Aslan replied, "No."

We must take God as He has revealed Himself in Scripture lest we simply have the god we see in our mirror. That god is too small.


Aslan represents Christ in The Chronicles. Christ also invites weary ones to drink deeply of the stream of living water which He has opened for trusting hearts. Stop trying to change God (get the scriptural picture of Him) and let Him change you into a new creation.
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