General Fiction posted September 2, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
Even innocent lambs have things worth saying.

You Cannot Silence Lambs

by Mystic Angel 7777

 “Little lambs do not write!” Nanny goat was adamant on this subject when I told her how excited I was to have joined a new herd called Fan Story. In my innocence, I believed I could do anything. I believed I could share all the happiness inside me with others. I believed that all creatures were as kind and playful as me. Baaaaah!
I scampered head on into getting myself situated. I thought writing was all about putting your playful nature on paper and having a good time. Baaaaah! Instead I found rules attached to everything. It was like being fenced out of the most beautiful clover patch trying to keep my warm and fuzzy creative nature in check. I refused to be daunted by this. If I could withstand an annual shearing, I certainly could make it through laying my sweet, childlike spirit naked through words.
My first post was a poem about a little lamb, like me – well actually it was me. I was so very proud when I looked at it on the screen. I stared blankly at the monitor wondering how long before somebody reviewed it.  It seemed to take forever and then it happened. I was so excited my little tail shook furiously with anticipation.
Word Weasel gave me a three and practically rewrote it in the critique. Being a good little lamb I could only feel sorry for this critter since she obviously was unable to come up with ideas of her own.
Grammar Gobbler gave me a two because I lacked satisfactory punctuation. I had to sit back on my haunches for a bit to ponder this since it is a miracle I can type with hooves and could not fathom someone expecting me to hold down the shift key too.
Just when I thought it could not get any worse, I read the reviews from the Postless Peacock and the Rankless Raptor who both gave me a one and suggested that Nanny was correct in saying little lambs should not write. My big eyes filled with tears and I was devastated by the harsh, squawking of the diatribes they delivered. I wondered if they were important members of the herd which would make me feel even worse but I took a deep breath and looked them up. They were both spiteful peckers without an accomplishment between them. The Peacock who was so proud of their expertise had never written a thing. The Raptor who was so enthralled with the wonders of his own limited experience was a member for years without a rank at all.
I remain undaunted and scamper through the site happily ignoring the surly members of the herd. After all, I did this for me and if I am happy with what I wrote then that is all that counts. I will simply spread joy and continue to live in a world of crimson and clover. In response to the sneaky creatures, all I can say is “Baaaaah!”


The FanStory Zoo-Prose 500 words. writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a short prose piece up to five hundred (500) words. You are a new member to FanStory and you are the animal of your choice. Describe your experience receiving reviews and finding your way about the site. Be creative. You can receive a review and respond to it as the animal you've chosen. The members you interact with can also be animals, your choice. The situations are up to you. A new FanStory member that is an animal using the site. That's it.


Many thank to susanlen for the lovely artwork.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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