Biographical Poetry posted November 4, 2013

This work has reached the exceptional level
At the Miami Airport


by amada

Fast upon arriving in the plane, I forget who I am--
like a leaf morphing into a tree
or a boat with the sails fully unfurled

I am

my heels bluntly clatter on the airport asphalt
sunlight gleams my steps to the Immigration Officer--
or it is the Custom Officer?

Careful to look as if I know
where I am going...
in late September sun

my short stature gains height
for a catalyst of colossal changes

Something born from a passing gist
rustled, sparkled
fluttered and floated--

and now this is my rippled moment

addressing my tipping point
as I embrace
the musical tempo of garbled accents
the mystic scent of entwined essences
the color palette of multiple skins

I came from far away, but
whatever I was, I am
whatever I lost, I found
wherever that is, it's now
whatever I hope, I pray


as now as
my next breath.   I am.



Rev 12/26/19
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