Biographical Poetry posted April 24, 2013 Chapters:  ...24 25 -26- 27... 

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I'm.... (free-verse, Jaq Cee)

A chapter in the book My Life in words

Sinking into Nothingness

by Jaq Cee

your words as always
flowed so freely
I'd read them many
times before
your heart was filled
with love and
I saw your hopes
and dreams

it could only be for us
couldn't it

my heart soared on
the wings of
a thousand
maybe more

but then the dawning of
spread slowly
over me

I read a little deeper
their meaning became
and sinking like a weighty
thrown into a
my heart hit an all time low
drowned in
hurt and sorrow

your words are like
a lover's
they play the heart
string well
oh how I wish that it
was me
who inspired those words
so true

now I'm sinking into

without a trace

No need for any corrections it's just a cathartic write. Inspired by a favourite song and other stuff.

Picture from Google Images.
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