General Poetry posted April 13, 2013 Chapters:  ...36 37 -38- 39... 

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I'm not...

A chapter in the book My Life in words

Beyond Reproach

by Jaq Cee

body heat intensifies as we
fall into the abyss
no turning back we've
crossed the line
our fate sealed with
immoral kiss

hand in hand we dive
into a pit of carnal

all around us people
under breath admonishments

illicit trysts we did share
spent sated we had
no care

you took my heart
devoured my soul
my guilty pleasure
has taken it's

washed up now, hung out
to dry
brokenhearted left
to cry

if I had this time
to live anew
I'd do the same
and lie with

Free style poem with rhyming. No punctuation intentional. Picture from Google images.
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