General Poetry posted April 6, 2013 Chapters:  ...42 43 -44- 45... 

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Indie Skreet or ...

A chapter in the book My Life in words


by Jaq Cee

Oh where, oh where
has my Indie gone,
One minute poems,
the next none!!

Her profile's gone.
Has she been banned?
This ray of sunshine
has been canned.

She's such an open
talented writer,
that many people want
to smite her.

Live and let live
I adhere to,
some people need lives,
or something to do.

Another great talent
busted down,
for her honesty..
driven out of town.

You have to bring back
Indie Skreet,
or you may find people
vote with their feet.


Yet another friend banned for open and honest talent.

I don't know that this is a great place to be any more when freedom of speech is not allowed. Especially when the poem was totally fictitious.
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