Romance Poetry posted March 20, 2013 Chapters:  ...55 56 -57- 58... 

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I thought... (sexual reference)

A chapter in the book My Life in words

We had it all?

by Jaq Cee

We had it all-
or so I thought
our days idyllic,
our nights romantic.

Your essence claimed
my senses as your
own, each touch, smell,
taste- yours.

Those nights when
our union was frantic,
the taste of your sweetness
as it rolled down your body.

We fell headlong into
soft, sensual satin,
my legs around your waist...
tight; needy; full of want.

I pulled you into my moist body
excitement; elation; love...
or so I thought
but it wasn't to be.

My heart broken,
torn asunder,
you moved on,
so easily.

I never forget those
hot steamy nights
we fell asleep--

Love lost so completely
I miss your touch,
we had it all-
or so I thought.

Google images supplied the lovely picture.
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