General Non-Fiction posted March 16, 2013 Chapters:  ...61 62 -63- 64... 

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A chapter in the book My Life in words

Embarrassing Mom!!

by Jaq Cee

Most Embarrassing Moment Contest Winner 
Do you punch the air? High-five perfect strangers? Hug members of the same sex? How do you celebrate those special moments of elation? European soccer players run around blind, having pulled their shirts up over their heads, exposing their torsos to the world. Therein lay my downfall ...

One cold, wet Sunday afternoon, my daughter and I decided to have a 'jammie day' (a "hang out in pajamas" day, that is).

I'm a big soccer fan, and my team (Celtic) were playing in a televized game, so I settled down to watch it. I have to admit to getting a tiny bit excited whilst watching the 'footy'. My daughter was sitting at the PC, talking to her friends on MSN messenger. (I always kept the PC in the living room back then, so that I could monitor it).

Anyway, as the game went on, I was getting right into it. Celtic scored, I was whooping very loudly. Then for some unknown reason I decided that I would make my daughter laugh and run around the coffee table with my top pulled up over my face as the soccer players do, when celebrating a goal on the field. I heard this high pitched "OH MOM! I have the webcam on!!!"

BANG, I hit the floor and tiger-crawled like an army sniper back to my seat on the sofa. Face like a ripe tomato and feeling so foolish. My daughter was mortified. Being thirteen years old was hard enough to cope with, without Mom completely embarrassing her to boot.

That day a proportion of the youth of Dundee were scarred for life and I learned a valuable lesson. Play the fool by all means - but check there are no cameras about!

Writing Challenge
You are challenged to write a short story. The topic is: > Most Embarrassing Moment <. Minimum Length 300 words, Maximum Length 500 words.

Write about something embarrassing that happened to you. It can be a childhood memory or something that happened as an adult as long as it's true.

Most Embarrassing Moment
Contest Winner
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