Essay Non-Fiction posted February 16, 2013 |
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Creative Mental Attitude
by Cogitator
Creative Mental Attitude
Part of the problem with having a Positive Mental Attitude is the fact that everything has to be in balance to exist. That balance point is the equal sign, so, if we have a very strong Positive Mental Attitude, the Negative Mental Attitude will be just as strong - like the opposite poles of a magnet. We are all bipolar, the earth is bipolar, all organisms are bipolar. These two poles create magnetic "fields" that we call "auras" in human beings. Everything has to have two poles to exist in our consciousness. The best depiction of this idea is the yin/yang symbol of Zen Buddhism showing the balance of emotion and thought.
When we think of what we behold from the right hemisphere (analog/amplitude) of our brain, we sense the positive connections to our own self. The left hemisphere (digital/frequency) evaluates what we behold into pieces of meaning that the ego uses to judge and make decisions. There is no right or wrong in either positive or negative. Some of us simply make judgments before we grasp the total meaning of what we behold.
Picture the ends of a magnet with ecstasy at one end and depression at the other. Our scope of experience and understanding is the entire magnet. Our Peace of Mind (read Balance Point or equal sign) is in the center. We cannot tell which end is positive and which is negative while our mind is in that center. Both poles will attract us equally. We have arrived at the peaceful and calm of the Here/Now of Infinity and Eternity. From that vantage point, we can examine the extent of our feelings and thoughts calmly and, hopefully, creatively as they flow through our consciousness.
I visualize my magnet as a complete circle with a small gap separating the positive and negative poles. In truth, this is really a cycle - a thought cycle. Like all cycles, a thought cycle can never take a tour of the magnet and come back to the departure point. That's because the journey has added to the experience of the thinker. That's evolution at work. There is no such thing as "solid." Everything in the universe is in a state of transformation. The only constant is change. Thinking from our center is a method of ridding ourselves of all false beliefs and false values society has indoctrinated into us.
Another way to visualize the thought cycle is to imagine a full orbit of our planet around the sun. Our true self is Father Sun and Mother Earth, as she travels her path, gathers understanding of her being (Gaia,) and never returns to the same point. She evolves. As her children, we can also evolve.
Languages are not very effective in communicating truth, but very effective in creating lies. When we communicate with ourselves, we have to consider the language we use. When I meditate, I translate any thought of a noun (cup, car, house, tree, etc) from the thought of what we call it to what it DOES. This identifies PURPOSE in all we can behold - a good way for us to eliminate many false values. For example, it is not money we seek, but rather, what we could do with it. Anytime we meet new information, we can ask ourselves what its purpose might be. Everything has a Reason for Being. Thinking in this manner separates symptom and causation.
Whenever we place ourselves in our center and calmly wash all thoughts and feelings from our human experience as they pass through the Corpus Callosum (our internal equal sign), we will feel the poles of the magnet coming closer to the center of true being. This can continue until the extremes of human life are removed from our minds. We have achieved Nothingness. This is meditation or contemplation. At that moment, we exist as the creators of whatever we can imagine. We attain the Creative Mental Attitude. Imagination is boundless and we can direct our attention, attitude and thinking towards any desired state. We are all forever in a State of Being in the Process of Becoming - becoming a more enlightened state. The only caveat is that what we want to create must be based in Truth in order to achieve.
The method to develop our Creative Mental Attitude is Focus, or Attention. Einstein had a Corpus Callosum of much greater proportions than the average. He said: "It's not that I'm smarter; it's just that I stay with problems longer." He is one of many that displayed this ability,
- Leonardo da Vinci could sign his name identically with either hand and created some of the most advanced ideas of his time, including the helicopter. He said: "Learn to see; everything is connected."
- Isaac Newton created calculus, without which we could never have developed into Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. He said: "If I have done the public any service, it is due to my patient thought."
- Siddartha Gautama, the first Buddha, saw the unity of all manifestations (oneness)in the world. He said: " We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world," and "The mind is everything. What you think you become."
- Martin Luther King said "Nothing pains some people more than having to think."
"We can lead people to knowledge, but we can't make them think." Author.
Creation and reaction contain the same letters. If we react to stimuli before we have grasped the full meaning, we react rather than create the next logical step of Becoming.
Many others in history had Creative Mental Attitudes, too numerous to mention. They display this ability through their works. Some include Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Mary Baker Eddy, Jesus of Nazareth, Mohammed, Ray Kroc, Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs, etc. Their focus of thought created their works.
Some of us may have trouble focusing on a regular basis, but more and more people seeking their truth are finding their Reason for Being using exercises similar to this. This is no different than going to the gym to build muscle tone. Some advance slowly and some have epiphanies. (I imagine that epiphanies may be caused by jumping the gap in the thought cycle between positive and negative - what some call a "Quantum Leap" of understanding or flash of insight.)
Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor had an epiphany when her left hemisphere was disabled by a golf ball-sized tumor. She could only sense her environment through the analog right hemisphere. She could see no separation of any stimuli - everything was connected. Her book,"Flash of Insight" describes this beautifully, as does her YouTube video presenting the experience at a TED conference.
If we want peace, let's imagine and focus on peace. If we want eternal life, we will find it at the center of our being. No one will ever know what death is. How ludicrous to think we have consciousness for the purpose of losing it! What then would be the purpose of consciousness?
If we can hold this central point and focus, we can then restructure the thoughts in our memories in such a way that MAKES SENSE. We can do an internal sort of goals, beliefs and values. We can eliminate false ideas, false beliefs, indoctrination and all of society's flotsam and jetsam to find our true self. This enables us to visualize our life from a different Point of View. The more we do this, the better the view becomes. There is only one View, after all, and our Points of View only constitute our opinions.
The human ego does not help for the very simple reason that it stifles Creative Mental Attitude by accepting ideas that are not true. This causes an imbalance in our subconscious that is the cause of illness, discomfort and imbalance. Ego wants to use just one of the tips to attract attention to itself, instead of its whole being, namely the digital left hemisphere of the brain. It focuses on material manifestations and ignores the source of the material.
What kind of world do we want to see? That's the purpose of working together and using our Creative Mental Attitude together. When we gather enough knowledge about the picture we all want, we can gather the knowledge of how to create it. Agreement on the goal comes first. Virtually all inane and insane arguments are about method. There are infinite methods to achieve any goal. We have to stand in our balance point and communicate about how to create a better society. That was the wish of John Lennon in his song, "Imagine."
Creativity can only come from the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere examines the "digitized" version of the new idea and begins to contemplate methods to achieve the imagined goal. That is how we build houses, sow and reap crops, evolve new methods and products, etc. We all have this power within us at various levels of development. As more and more people achieve their individual epiphanies, the remodeling of the universe will be the driving factor of human life, rather than despoiling Mother Earth.
There are many ways to stop the insanity of destroying our earth. Every atom of our form comes from her and is replenished by her. Most of the population mirrors cancer cells. We all know cancer cells die along with their host. That is what we are doing. Focusing on our internal truth will change that madness.
In Buddhist thought, there are twelve levels of enlightenment. No matter which level anyone occupies, Creative Mental Attitude can ease the climb upwards until we can all occupy our space equitably. There is a great difference among the population today as to what we focus on. Very few would give up their television to take time to focus on understanding their being. Those twelve levels go from Honey Boo-Boo shows to "Cosmos." Some level in that spread is where everyone's attention will be drawn.
The difference between Ignorance and Apathy is "Don't know, don't care." If we focus on caring about what we know, we can break the habit of not caring about what we don't know.
Perhaps Creative Mental Attitude is too unwieldy to communicate well. Let's just call it Thinking.
Part of the problem with having a Positive Mental Attitude is the fact that everything has to be in balance to exist. That balance point is the equal sign, so, if we have a very strong Positive Mental Attitude, the Negative Mental Attitude will be just as strong - like the opposite poles of a magnet. We are all bipolar, the earth is bipolar, all organisms are bipolar. These two poles create magnetic "fields" that we call "auras" in human beings. Everything has to have two poles to exist in our consciousness. The best depiction of this idea is the yin/yang symbol of Zen Buddhism showing the balance of emotion and thought.
When we think of what we behold from the right hemisphere (analog/amplitude) of our brain, we sense the positive connections to our own self. The left hemisphere (digital/frequency) evaluates what we behold into pieces of meaning that the ego uses to judge and make decisions. There is no right or wrong in either positive or negative. Some of us simply make judgments before we grasp the total meaning of what we behold.
Picture the ends of a magnet with ecstasy at one end and depression at the other. Our scope of experience and understanding is the entire magnet. Our Peace of Mind (read Balance Point or equal sign) is in the center. We cannot tell which end is positive and which is negative while our mind is in that center. Both poles will attract us equally. We have arrived at the peaceful and calm of the Here/Now of Infinity and Eternity. From that vantage point, we can examine the extent of our feelings and thoughts calmly and, hopefully, creatively as they flow through our consciousness.
I visualize my magnet as a complete circle with a small gap separating the positive and negative poles. In truth, this is really a cycle - a thought cycle. Like all cycles, a thought cycle can never take a tour of the magnet and come back to the departure point. That's because the journey has added to the experience of the thinker. That's evolution at work. There is no such thing as "solid." Everything in the universe is in a state of transformation. The only constant is change. Thinking from our center is a method of ridding ourselves of all false beliefs and false values society has indoctrinated into us.
Another way to visualize the thought cycle is to imagine a full orbit of our planet around the sun. Our true self is Father Sun and Mother Earth, as she travels her path, gathers understanding of her being (Gaia,) and never returns to the same point. She evolves. As her children, we can also evolve.
Languages are not very effective in communicating truth, but very effective in creating lies. When we communicate with ourselves, we have to consider the language we use. When I meditate, I translate any thought of a noun (cup, car, house, tree, etc) from the thought of what we call it to what it DOES. This identifies PURPOSE in all we can behold - a good way for us to eliminate many false values. For example, it is not money we seek, but rather, what we could do with it. Anytime we meet new information, we can ask ourselves what its purpose might be. Everything has a Reason for Being. Thinking in this manner separates symptom and causation.
Whenever we place ourselves in our center and calmly wash all thoughts and feelings from our human experience as they pass through the Corpus Callosum (our internal equal sign), we will feel the poles of the magnet coming closer to the center of true being. This can continue until the extremes of human life are removed from our minds. We have achieved Nothingness. This is meditation or contemplation. At that moment, we exist as the creators of whatever we can imagine. We attain the Creative Mental Attitude. Imagination is boundless and we can direct our attention, attitude and thinking towards any desired state. We are all forever in a State of Being in the Process of Becoming - becoming a more enlightened state. The only caveat is that what we want to create must be based in Truth in order to achieve.
The method to develop our Creative Mental Attitude is Focus, or Attention. Einstein had a Corpus Callosum of much greater proportions than the average. He said: "It's not that I'm smarter; it's just that I stay with problems longer." He is one of many that displayed this ability,
- Leonardo da Vinci could sign his name identically with either hand and created some of the most advanced ideas of his time, including the helicopter. He said: "Learn to see; everything is connected."
- Isaac Newton created calculus, without which we could never have developed into Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. He said: "If I have done the public any service, it is due to my patient thought."
- Siddartha Gautama, the first Buddha, saw the unity of all manifestations (oneness)in the world. He said: " We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world," and "The mind is everything. What you think you become."
- Martin Luther King said "Nothing pains some people more than having to think."
"We can lead people to knowledge, but we can't make them think." Author.
Creation and reaction contain the same letters. If we react to stimuli before we have grasped the full meaning, we react rather than create the next logical step of Becoming.
Many others in history had Creative Mental Attitudes, too numerous to mention. They display this ability through their works. Some include Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Mary Baker Eddy, Jesus of Nazareth, Mohammed, Ray Kroc, Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs, etc. Their focus of thought created their works.
Some of us may have trouble focusing on a regular basis, but more and more people seeking their truth are finding their Reason for Being using exercises similar to this. This is no different than going to the gym to build muscle tone. Some advance slowly and some have epiphanies. (I imagine that epiphanies may be caused by jumping the gap in the thought cycle between positive and negative - what some call a "Quantum Leap" of understanding or flash of insight.)
Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor had an epiphany when her left hemisphere was disabled by a golf ball-sized tumor. She could only sense her environment through the analog right hemisphere. She could see no separation of any stimuli - everything was connected. Her book,"Flash of Insight" describes this beautifully, as does her YouTube video presenting the experience at a TED conference.
If we want peace, let's imagine and focus on peace. If we want eternal life, we will find it at the center of our being. No one will ever know what death is. How ludicrous to think we have consciousness for the purpose of losing it! What then would be the purpose of consciousness?
If we can hold this central point and focus, we can then restructure the thoughts in our memories in such a way that MAKES SENSE. We can do an internal sort of goals, beliefs and values. We can eliminate false ideas, false beliefs, indoctrination and all of society's flotsam and jetsam to find our true self. This enables us to visualize our life from a different Point of View. The more we do this, the better the view becomes. There is only one View, after all, and our Points of View only constitute our opinions.
The human ego does not help for the very simple reason that it stifles Creative Mental Attitude by accepting ideas that are not true. This causes an imbalance in our subconscious that is the cause of illness, discomfort and imbalance. Ego wants to use just one of the tips to attract attention to itself, instead of its whole being, namely the digital left hemisphere of the brain. It focuses on material manifestations and ignores the source of the material.
What kind of world do we want to see? That's the purpose of working together and using our Creative Mental Attitude together. When we gather enough knowledge about the picture we all want, we can gather the knowledge of how to create it. Agreement on the goal comes first. Virtually all inane and insane arguments are about method. There are infinite methods to achieve any goal. We have to stand in our balance point and communicate about how to create a better society. That was the wish of John Lennon in his song, "Imagine."
Creativity can only come from the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere examines the "digitized" version of the new idea and begins to contemplate methods to achieve the imagined goal. That is how we build houses, sow and reap crops, evolve new methods and products, etc. We all have this power within us at various levels of development. As more and more people achieve their individual epiphanies, the remodeling of the universe will be the driving factor of human life, rather than despoiling Mother Earth.
There are many ways to stop the insanity of destroying our earth. Every atom of our form comes from her and is replenished by her. Most of the population mirrors cancer cells. We all know cancer cells die along with their host. That is what we are doing. Focusing on our internal truth will change that madness.
In Buddhist thought, there are twelve levels of enlightenment. No matter which level anyone occupies, Creative Mental Attitude can ease the climb upwards until we can all occupy our space equitably. There is a great difference among the population today as to what we focus on. Very few would give up their television to take time to focus on understanding their being. Those twelve levels go from Honey Boo-Boo shows to "Cosmos." Some level in that spread is where everyone's attention will be drawn.
The difference between Ignorance and Apathy is "Don't know, don't care." If we focus on caring about what we know, we can break the habit of not caring about what we don't know.
Perhaps Creative Mental Attitude is too unwieldy to communicate well. Let's just call it Thinking.
Recognized |
My Fan Story name fits me. Many people tell me I think too much. I know that everyone has the same capabilities developed to different levels. My purpose in trying to communicate the knowledge and understanding I contain is not to embellish my ego, but rather to destroy its influence on my thinking. When I remove judgment from my thoughts, I am able to examine what I behold in the light of truth. Everyone can do this.
Attention Deficit Disorder is also in all of us to some degree. With the cacophony of incoming stimuli from the Internet, smart phones, television, radio and,indeed, all media, Many of us live in a world where we can try to "tune in" to all broadcasts simultaneously. It is very difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff without focus.
one point
and 2 member cents. Attention Deficit Disorder is also in all of us to some degree. With the cacophony of incoming stimuli from the Internet, smart phones, television, radio and,indeed, all media, Many of us live in a world where we can try to "tune in" to all broadcasts simultaneously. It is very difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff without focus.
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