General Poetry posted January 28, 2013 Chapters:  ...77 78 -79- 80... 

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To my friend TammyGail so missed on the site...

A chapter in the book My Life in words

'Queen of Metaphors'

by Jaq Cee

TammyGail is a wordsmith so divine,

Oh how I'd wish her words were mine.

Metaphorically speaking she blows me away,

Caught up in the words she has to say.

She is now published, a true poetess.

Queen of metaphors yet a damsel in distress.

Her life should be filled with love and hope,

Not confined to darkness, unable to cope.

Tammy reviewed each writer in an honest fashion,

no thought for mere dollars it was just her passion.

I wish you well my talented friend,

I miss your words which I'll always defend.

You made this site fun, a cool place to be,

with your expulsion went a little part of me.

Come back to us, Tammy, you're needed right here,

your words are divine, you have nothing to fear.


Photo courtesy of Photobucket.

For all who miss Tammy's ink. :)
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