General Poetry posted January 24, 2013 Chapters:  ...80 81 -82- 83... 

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Deserted farm...

A chapter in the book My Life in words

Farmhouse blues.

by Jaq Cee

Squeak, squeak went the farm gate,
creaking off it's hinges.

The swish and scrape of wind-blown trees,
as they beat on broken windows

A metal bin crashes and clatters,
as it falls from well worn gate.

Smash, bang went the window shutters,
old locks fall to the ground.

Whistling winds blow straight through,
they howl like a banshee.

Old farmhouse broken down,
it plays a symphony.

Cacophony Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a Cacophony poem of between four and 12 lines. This type of poetry uses harsh, discordant, and jarring words, to make the reader imagine noise. Any subject, but keep it clean.

Thanks to Google images for the picture.
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