General Poetry posted December 30, 2012

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musically inclined

Grouse Solo

by Writingfundimension

thrashes and thumps solo - drumming log

1-9-1 Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem. But do using only 11 syllables. The first line should have one syllable. The second line has 9 syllables. The third line has 1 syllable. It's the same as the 5-7-5 format but with a 1-9-1 syllable count. There are no restrictions or other rules.

Male ruffed grouse, winter-loving birds, are aggressively territorial throughout their adult lives. The male grouse proclaims his property rights by engaging in a 'drumming' display. This sound is made by beating his wings against the air to create a vacuum, as lightning does when it makes thunder. The drummer usually stands on a log, stone or mound of dirt when drumming, and this object is called a 'drumming log'.

Thanks to chickadee for use of her amazing phogoraph of a not-quite mature ruffed grouse.
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