General Poetry posted December 15, 2012 Chapters:  ...105 106 -107- 108... 

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Does God have a part to play?

A chapter in the book My Life in words

Celestial Love?

by Jaq Cee

The light which shines in the eye is really the light of the heart.
The light which fills the heart is the light of God.

~ Rumi


In love's eye God's light does shine,
from His heart pure love flows.
If you believe in love divine,
from your eyes it will show.

Inside our heart passion does abound,
the eyes show our soul's harmony.
Then when your true love has been found,
you'll never again feel lonely.

God and love do fit together,
for some this may not be true.
For me it is a veiled tether,
which will bind me closer to you.

Each to their own I do believe,
to preach at you isn't my place.
You'll feel it when your mind does conceive,
true love is entwined with God's grace.

ABAB Poetry Contest contest entry

Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Thanks for very a very helpful review elpsog. Edits read better.
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