General Poetry posted November 20, 2012

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Make the noise stop.

Boom boom boom


Locked in an eight by eight foot room
ten foot high ceiling
with fifty bats screaming
my heart is beating boom boom boom.

Outside claps of thunder rolling
lane after lane of angels bowling
next door I hear a bloody shriek
a shot gun blast I jump I freak.

With little hope of it abating
my nerves have just exploded
an endless night of raucous grating
my hearings shot- it's gone- eroded.

Cacophony Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a Cacophony poem of between four and 12 lines. This type of poetry uses harsh, discordant, and jarring words, to make the reader imagine noise. Any subject, but keep it clean.

Thanks to corinnas creation.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by corrinas creations at

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