General Fiction posted October 17, 2012

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contest entry

Any Door Will Do ... Sometimes

by Deniz22

She didn’t lock her door,
‘cause it wasn’t  hers no more.
She alwuz wuz real poor,
now, she don’t even got no door!
They put “eviction” on her door,
that never happened her before.
It really hurt to have no door,
feel the depression to the core.
rain, lightening, thunder roar,
can’t run home; ain’t no door!
Abandoned car, doors four,
Home sweet home, lock da door!

She didn't lock her door writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem or short story beginning with the words 'She didn't lock her door...' This may stand alone or be a part of a sentence. Maximum word count: 1,000.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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