Humor Poetry posted October 17, 2012 Chapters:  ...165 166 -167- 168... 

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A chapter in the book My Life in words

Hapless Thief.

by Jaq Cee

She didn't lock her door,
did not foresee her plight.
The key she'd left unturned,
on that sad fateful night.

In he came to her abode,
with mayhem on his mind.
Sneaking silently about,
for what loot he could find

With stealth he looked around,
his mind was on the prize.
Much too late he looked down,
he couldn't believe his eyes.

Snarling teeth shone so bright,
drool bounced off his denim.
Right there and then he realised,
that things could get quite grim.

Trying to escape Cujo,
he's wrestled to the floor.
Thought foremost in his mind,

She didn't lock her door writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem or short story beginning with the words 'She didn't lock her door...' This may stand alone or be a part of a sentence. Maximum word count: 1,000.
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