Satire Poetry posted October 9, 2012

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A Senryu

senryu (romney won debate)

by ameen786

romney won debate
question is, against who?
obama wasn't there!

Senryu Forget-About-Syllable Prompt writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt

Senryu is a Japanese form of poetry calling for 17 syllables OR LESS and does not require a specific syllable count in each line. Usually, the poem is made up of three lines, short-long-short.

-focuses on humans or the human condition
-involves satire or irony
-can have personification
-can have minimal punctuation
-can have pictures to enhance the satire or irony
-does not need a kigo, or seasonal word
-does not need a kire, or cutter, to separate lines into two different thoughts
-should not rhyme
-should have minimal caps (but no caps at the beginning of each line)
-should be titled as follows: senryu (first line of poem), e.g. the title of a poem beginning with the line "old gentleman" would be: senryu (old gentleman)

For examples of senryu with and without a satori, see below.

Picture: Courtesy, Google images.
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