General Poetry posted October 8, 2012 Chapters:  ...174 175 -176- 177... 

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Words that wake you from sleep

A chapter in the book My Life in words

Night Writer.

by Jaq Cee

I scratch my head and chew my pen,
and wrack my brain all over again.
The words won't come; they're so elusive,
My mind awash, thoughts inconclusive.

I sit and think 'til midnight hour,
while in my mind ideas still cower.
They hide from me yet still I try
to capture them as they fly by.

I go to bed and soon to sleep
where, in my dreams, ideas leap.
I'm half-awake and have to write
the poems visiting by night.

Thanks to Google images, once again. :)

Thank you so much to Rama Devi for her editing suggestions. :) x
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