General Poetry posted September 15, 2012 Chapters:  ...199 200 -201- 202... 

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Heaven or Hell? Will we know the difference?

A chapter in the book My Life in words

Image of Hell.

by Jaq Cee

Gruesome grovelling goat boy
He of the cloven hooves
Horns adorn misshapen head
Above eyes of burning coals.

Dragging carcasses under
Into the darkness below
Inferno licks broken bodies
Hades dark lights bright.

Burning flesh blistering red
Screams split dark night
Demons dance maniacally
Claiming another lost soul.

Legions of those forsaken
Caught in vortex of evil
Spiralling ever downwards
Into the cesspit of Hell.

Skin-stripped skulls lament
Of unrepented depraved lives
Writhe in pain, they agonise
As they straddle Satan's pyre.

British spellchecker used. Some words differ. Thanks to google images for the graphic. As always please feel free to critique, all constructive criticism welcomed. :) Jaq x
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