General Poetry posted August 11, 2012 Chapters:  ...8 9 -10- 11... 

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The dangers of the world wide web!!

A chapter in the book My Life in words

On-line Predator

by Jaq Cee

Predators come in all shapes and sizes,
looks, styles and clever guises.
Set out to entrap, control your mind,
make you deaf, dumb and blind.
You don't hear your friends or family's pleas,
The predator has you controlled, with ease.

Maybe it's friendship, love or just an ear,
that you crave when you find that person is near.
They have you drawn in, in innocuous ways,
a word, a picture or even a cute phrase.
Whatever it is, it will mean something to you,
you let them in your life, they then slither right through.

Your mind is messed up, right becomes wrong,
you accept dire treatment, you're no longer strong.
You doubt your own instincts, deferring to theirs,
normal indicators like a feeling in your gut, now scares.
The damage is done, you have no self left, and so,
you just follow on blindly, until they let go.

Here we are again, the cycle is broken,
the hold has been lost, someone has spoken.
Take heart in the fact, that people stay near,
they know you will need them, they still hold you dear.
The predator has gone, moved on, or been found out,
for all of you out there, don't keep quiet, please SHOUT!!

I like many others fell foul of this type of person. Thanks to Google Images for the perfect pic. x
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