General Poetry posted August 9, 2012 Chapters:  ...7 8 -9- 10... 

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It's all in the mind. :)

A chapter in the book My Life in words

Perfect World!!

by Jaq Cee

I open my eyes and what do I see?
A perfect world, staring at me.
"What's that?" you say, "Where can this be?",
"This perfect world, that you see".
I'm flummoxed at first, "open your eyes",
I shout to the world with open surprise.
"It's there for the seeing", "it's huge in size",
"surely it's not just me that can visualize".
This world is not candyfloss, fair rides and fun,
It's trees and flowers, fed by the sun.
It's family and friends, who are there standing by,
to help when you stumble, to cheer when you fly.
They hold you in close when your world falls apart,
It's the feeling you get when there's love in your heart.
The smile of your child as their hurt you have salved,
That sparkle in the eye of the one you have loved.
Yet, still I hear you, calling out loud,
"is it all good days, never a cloud?"
"We want to see it", "can we stop by?"
"You have it already" I say with a sigh,
"Look deep inside, it's in your mind's eye".

My work colleague described this as something written by Susan Boyle on speed. I did laugh, and he's not far wrong. this is an early one I did.
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