General Poetry posted August 6, 2012 Chapters: 2 3 -4- 5... 

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How this illness permeates your life.

A chapter in the book My Life in words


by Jaq Cee

It creeps up on you, winds around your being,
like a fog around a mountain, stops you from seeing.
My mind is racing, chasing lost thoughts,
can't keep perspective, feeling fraught.
And so it takes hold, dragging you under,
You envisage dark clouds, hear only thunder.
Up, down, Up, down, in a lift going nowhere,
no buttons to stop it, trapped, caught in a self snare.
Stumbling around in a darkness, when the light, out it goes.
Must find a switch, get the light on, so direction it shows.
Walking into a force 10 gale, one step forward, three back,
Seeing in shades of grey, not in white, nor in black.
Can't look at myself, don't like what I see,
People stare and talk, thanking God they're not me.
My mind playing tricks, these thoughts are all mine,
No one else really thinking, these things at this time.
Once again, I wait, for the storm to abate,
For the darkness to lessen, the thoughts to be straight.
Time is a healer, people always say,
it is also infinite, goes on for forever and a day.
So while this bout runs it's course, taking it's toll,
I live for the day, when mind and body are whole.

So many people suffer from this illness. It's good to know you are not alone with these feelings.
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