General Poetry posted August 5, 2012 Chapters: 1 2 -3- 4... 

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The sort of darkness we all feel at times.

A chapter in the book My Life in words

Tortured Soul.

by Jaq Cee

From deep within the feeling grows,
why it started I do not know.
The feeling of angst, foreboding abounds.
Listen to the roar, that in me sounds.
Turmoil, hurt, fear and pain,
Rip me apart, leave me emotionally lame.
This tortured soul of mine is heavy,
I need to calm it, make it steady.
The mind is no help, extremes of clutter,
I need to clear it, thoughts to unfetter.
The darkness inside, too dense to see,
no clear path, no focus for me.
The inner turmoil, no halcyon to aid,
these feelings and thoughts, my being pervade.
Diffuse them I must, before all light goes,
and darkness takes over, adds to my woes.
I can and I will, free this tortured soul,
Battle armour on, to win this fight, my goal.

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