Spiritual Non-Fiction posted February 23, 2012

This work has reached the exceptional level
Steps to take when life overwhelms

You Can't Do It Alone

by Spitfire

Members of FS have confided stories of loss and despair, anxiety and lost hope. Their words inspired me to write about Unity Village, a prayer ministry that at its inception in 1900 was a different approach to bringing God into your life. I can personally attest to the success of their work. A little background first:

"I am a child of God, and therefore I do not
inherit sickness."

This sentence planted itself in the mind of Mary Caroline
"Myrtle" Page Fillmore in the late 1880's. Born in 1845,
she contracted tuberculosis at a young age. Rejecting the
puritanical teachings of her Methodist parents, she started
positive thinking. Repeating the life affirming sentence
over and over again, she transformed her body into one of
health and wholeness. She lived to be eighty-six.

As news spread of her cure, people began sending healing
requests to Mrs. Fillmore. In 1890, she and her husband
Charles started a prayer ministry, holding in their minds
and hearts every day the needs of those who contacted them.
This was the beginning of Silent Unity.

In 1907 they added phone technology to their work. Twelve years
later, they purchased fifty-eight acres near Kansas City, Missouri,
turning the place into a retreat for Unity workers. Today, the
property has grown to 1400 acres of lush countryside, formal gardens,
walking trails, a hotel and a library filled with books on spiritual
education and personal growth. Known as Unity Village, it is the
headquarters of a worldwide ministry and receives more than 3,700
prayer calls a day. No request is too big or too small. One call
involved finding lost car keys!

Here's how it works: Dial 1-800-NOW PRAY (1-800-669-7729).
A dedicated and trained prayer ministry associate will answer:

"Silent Unity. How may we pray with you?"

That person will ask for your first name and the names of anyone
for whom you want prayers. If you prefer not to give that information,
that's okay. But all details remain confidential.

The next step is to describe your situation and what kind of
prayer you would like: healing, prosperity, protection, new job,
inner peace, a harmonious relationship, and much more. If you
don't know for certain, the listener will guide you with love
and compassion. I've called Silent Unity several times when
a crises looms in my life and am amazed how the chosen prayer
fits the situation.

But the phone call is just the beginning. Your request is placed
in the Silent Unity Prayer Vigil Chapel for thirty days of
continuous prayer. Countless people, including myself, have proof
that it works. My father's pain from surgery let up shortly after
I called Unity. My sister, diagnosed with cancer and five months
to live, found courage to face what lay ahead after I placed her
on the prayer list.

You can call Unity as often as you like. There is no charge.
The person who answers your call will offer to send you a personal
letter or e-mail in which case you supply the needed information.
If your request is for another person, they will offer to send them
a letter as well. No pressure. You're not obligated to receive a
follow-up letter, but should you say yes, the letter will include
an opportunity to donate a love offering.

Unity stresses the importance of affirmative prayer that recognizes
God's constant good and its demonstration in the lives of those who
focus on the presence and power of God within.

The next time life circumstances overwhelms you, it's comforting
to be reminded that God is with you and to hear a loving voice
offer prayer support. "What one heart cannot bear alone, many hearts
can bear together."

Whether you or a friend or a family member or even a stranger
needs uplifting in spirit or health, give Silent Unity a call
for thirty hours of continuous prayer. It can't hurt. We all
need someone to lean on. A whole community is even better.


Unity Village, MO is located on 1901 NW Blue Parkway.
Website: www.unity.org.
The Unity Church of Christianity is located all over the U.S.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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