Letters and Diary Poetry posted January 9, 2012

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Cage of Doubt

by Dklrdmcches

As time passes me by,
I lay awake as the sun slowly sets
On what is to become my last day.
For, I have seen the visions that were posted.

Chilling black and white stills on the porch
Of the ever after have forged a disease within my soul.
The rotting fever rips at the seams of my being,
I am in distress and it will travel the fluids of love.

Never to live a moment that surprises the heart,
I live alone within the constraints of a cage of doubt.
Looking both forward and behind, the source of pain all around.
My eyes, heavy with sorrow, stare into a void only I know of.

Please, do not weep for I am aware of what is to come.
The light has shown within my central system, I must follow.
Hands shaking, I open the door to the other side.
A welcoming sight beckons as I leave the cold world behind.

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