Spiritual Fiction posted June 28, 2011

This work has reached the exceptional level
The unselfishness of a child

Bobby`s Prayer

by Idamarty

A Child`s Bed Time Prayer Contest Winner 
Hello Jesus, it`s me Bobby. I needed to talk to you about this thing that`s been going on with me. See, I haven`t been feeling all that well and when mom and dad took me to see Dr. Todd, that`s what he tells me to call him `cause he says I could never say his last name right`cause it`s way too long....anyway he told my mom and dad that I have something called lookeemeea. I don`t think it`s a very good thing to have because it made my mom cry and I don`t like it when my mom cries and she`s been crying a whole lot lately. Jesus, I just wanted to know if maybe you could make me all better. It`s not that I don`t want to come and live with you, I mean mom always says that Grandma is much better now that she is living with you...it`s just that I think it would make my mom real happy if I lived with her for a while longer and then I could go and live with you....so please Jesus, make me all better so my mom will be happy again. Amen
Oh and I almost forgot....tell Croaker that I miss him and that I hope he is catching lots of flies to eat up there in heaven. Amen.

Writing Prompt
Write a short story. The topic is: A bedtime prayer writtenéspoken by a child. Maximum Length 500 words.

A Child`s Bed Time Prayer
Contest Winner

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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