Spiritual Non-Fiction posted December 2, 2010

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Reflections on life

A Healing Image

by dejohnsrld (Debbie)

A Healing Image

Walking by a brook with a fall palette of leaves crunching under my feet, I feel as one with nature and my spiritual beliefs. Here, I am OK, not good or bad but accepted with my grace, faults and all. Here I can be me. I pick up a brown circular flat rock with a dark mountain-shaped image in the center. The rock shines as if washed and polished by a recent rain. The smoothness must be from years and years of being in the running water of the now trickling brook.
The mountain shape indicates to me that I have farther to climb in my life, not on foot of course, but in becoming the person I want to be. The mountainous area of the rock is somewhat less smooth than the rest of it. My uphill climb may not always be smooth and graceful, but it is a goal to be achieved. After much reflection, I put the rock in my dress pocket to carry with me and remind me of the lessons learned that day. The cool wind picks up, the fall leaves rustle, and the smell of a campfire fills the air. I return home after a fulfilling day, with my rock, and a new sense of purpose in my life.


This is an assignment for my writing class. The prompt is to find a small object you can hold in your hand and write about it.
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