General Poetry posted October 12, 2010 Chapters:  ...13 14 -15- 16... 

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A chapter in the book Little Billy

The Endless Night.

by keimosobie

sixty nine days underground
without sight without sound
they work frantically up above
way down here we feel the love

they say my country swells with pride
please don't tell them that I cried
two weeks ago my wife gave birth
the endless night gave way to mirth

in this hole where I am resident
I got to speak to the president
it gets so hard not to give up hope
all the prayers help us cope

I hope this story has a happy ending
in case it dosen't my love I'm sending
if I ever escape this plight
I promise to do what I know is right

Quatrain Poetry contest entry


I dedicate this poem to the trapped Chilian minners. The 2010 Copiap?? mining accident was a mining accident that occurred on 5 August 2010, when the San Jos??????????
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