Romance Fiction posted June 19, 2010

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Laila comes face to face with Jacob.

Internet Affair Part 2

by barbara.wilkey

Laila met Jacob over the Internet. The relationship grew and he called her twice a day. Finally, she has agreed to meet with him. In part one, she struggled whether she should meet him or not. She finally left her hotel room.

I guess I'm really going to meet the man I foolishly poured my heart out to over the Internet and telephone. Why do I do things like that? Chewing her fingernail, Laila followed the smiling hostess to a secluded table.

As they approached, Jacob smiled, stood, and pulled out a chair for her.

Her knuckles turned white as she grasped the back of the chair and released a deep breath.

Jacob leaned over, brushed her cheek with a kiss, and whispered, "I see you're not wearing your purple bra."

The scent of his sharp woody after-shave helped her relax as she remembered their conversation about her fondness for that soothing aroma. "I wish I never told you about that incident." The blush expanded and she swept her hair forward to conceal her embarrassment.

"I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry I embarrassed you. Please sit." Jacob chuckled.

"I won't be sitting. I hope you enjoyed yourself." She turned to leave.

His gentle touch on her forearm caused goose bumps and, at the same time, impeded her retreat. "I've told you I will never laugh at you, only with you."

"You're the only one laughing." Laila paused.

"Will you please sit?" As Laila sat, Jacob moved his chair closer to hers. "I was trying to break the ice. I'm as nervous as you are and when I watched you walk over here, I knew I had to do something silly to distract you. Or so I thought." He lifted her hand and examined the fingernail. "It doesn't look like you did too much damage. I like the hot pink polish."

"I almost chickened out."

"I know. I'm glad you didn't. Can we start over? I've been nervous all day. Even forgot to eat."

"Me too."

"Then let me feed you." Smiling, he handed her the menu. "If you want to leave after dinner, I'll understand. At least we'll have spent some time together. Think of that pretty, rumbling stomach. Take some pity on it and me, please?"

After she scanned the menu for a few seconds, she peered above it and studied Jacob. Good, he has no ring indention. He doesn't look like an assassin, then again, what does an assassin look like? His photo didn't do him justice. She released a deep breath. He's sexy. He mentioned he works out daily, but I didn't expect muscles. If I keep thinking like this, I'll leave with him and I promised myself I'm going to my room alone tonight.

His bright blue eyes met her brown ones. "Do I meet your approval?"

Laila glanced back at the menu. "What?" Darn, he noticed. Her eyes rose as she started to protest, "I wasn't ...."

"Your photo doesn't do you justice. It doesn't reveal your dancing eyes." He grinned. "I never imagined you blushing. I find it one of your more attractive features."

He set the menu across his plate and then reached over, touching her hand. "We've discussed the eleven year age difference, and you said it wouldn't be a problem. Now you've met me, does it bother you?"

"Not at all." She focused on his thumb caressing her hand.

"You're very nervous. What about me bothers you the most?"

"I know we've talked for hours, but I don't really know anything about you."

"What do you want to know?" When she didn't respond, Jacob continued, "I'm six feet tall and weigh ...." He chuckled. "I better keep that to myself." Laila giggled, and then he continued, "You already know I'm a marine biologist and live in Florida. I'm divorced because Marcy preferred her boss to me. What else do you need to know?"

"You've already told me all of that."

He grinned. "I'm in love with you. Does that count for anything?"

"If it's true, it counts for a lot."

The waiter took the orders and left. Jacob reached over and stroked Laila's hand. "What can I do to make you relax?"

Laila took a drink of water. "I'm sorry. I'm not making this easy, am I?" She took another sip.

"All right, since you forced it out of me. I weigh 210 pounds. Happy now?"

She covered her mouth with a napkin and laughed. "Never make me laugh while drinking."

Jacob took his napkin and dabbed her lips. "I like the sound of your laughter." He watched her eyes, and then stood. "This is difficult for you. We'll take it slower. Tomorrow we'll have breakfast and spend more time together. We'll continue until you're comfortable with me. Is that a better idea? I'll reserve a table for breakfast." He motioned for the hostess.

Laila stood and touched his arm. "Jacob, don't. I want to finish dinner. Then we'll decide about breakfast."

He took her hand in his. "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

After kissing her hand, he held the chair for her to sit. "Let's see, you wanted to know more about me. I first knew I loved you when you described how the thingy on the outside hose squirted backwards, and drenched you because it wouldn't turn off. I honestly hoped you would send a picture. I wanted to see that."

"Really? After I told you about that, I was afraid you'd think I was stupid. I wished I'd never shared that story or the one about my purple bra dancing mishap."

"I'm glad you did. I knew you were human and besides I enjoyed the dancing image." He waited for the waiter to set the salads down. "I've enjoyed every conversation we've had. Each time, I've learned more about you."

"Were you ever afraid I was lying or hiding things about myself?"

"I knew you wouldn't have shared some of it if you were lying."

Moisture welled in her eyes. "Thank you."

Jacob smiled. "Now for the tears. How did I know we wouldn't make it through dinner without tears?"

"I'm sorry."

He reached over and dried her cheeks. "I also knew you would apologize about fifteen times." He teased, "I'm surprised you haven't apologized because the waiter hasn't refreshed my coffee."

"I hadn't noticed. I'm sorry."

Jacob laughed, leaned across the table, and kissed her cheek. "I love you."

I sure hope so. Silently, they waited for a waiter to remove the salad plates. "Jacob, thank you for setting this up and being patient."

"Kitten, I've told you before you are well worth the wait."

"You've waited since November for me to graduate from college."

"Have you decided what your next step is?"

"I've been waiting." She released a deep breath.

Jacob focused on her eyes. "Waiting for what, kitten?" He held her hand and caressed it with his thumb. "By now you should know we can discuss anything." They paused until the waiter set their dinners down.

"I know." She closed her eyes. "I'm not sure where I should look for a job."

"Go on."

"My home is twenty-five hundred miles away from you and I wanted to be closer, but," her voice trailed off unable to continue.

"But what?"

"What if you preferred me to be thousands of miles away?"

"Do you honestly believe that?" When she glanced down at her plate, he continued, "If you choose any town in Florida, we can see each other on weekends."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I have already told you many times, I want us to have a life together. I was hoping you'd look for a job around Pensacola, but I didn't want to influence your decision."

"So it's all right if I've sent out resumes around that area?"

"It's better than all right." He reached over, took her hand, lifted it to his lips, and kissed it.



"I love you." She wiped her lips with the napkin and set it beside her half eaten dinner. "I'm finished. How about you?"

He grinned and stood. "Did you just have another dream?"


"If you did, I would want it to have a happy ending."


Thank you Snowpaw for the beautiful artwork Valentine 2010. Thank you for reading and reviewing Part 1. It seemed to take on a life of its own. I appreciate all of those who shared their Internet relationships. I also appreciate those women and some men, who understood women really well, sharing that sometimes we struggle with making decisions.
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