General Fiction posted January 28, 2010

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Contest entry for 100 word dash.

The Marathon

by eliz100

The finish line was in sight. She had trained for months.

'Come on, kick it up, girl.'

She was moving in slow motion, with a painful stitch in her side. Her right calf was cramped and she was running on her toes. The finish line was wavy as her vision blurred.

Three yards to go. ' Take your mind off the pain.'

'Left foot, right toes, left foot, right toes.'

'I'm falling.'

Kate did the last three feet of the race by falling across the finish line.

With her face in the dirt, she pumped her fist. "I made it."

100 Word Dash writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Take flash fiction to the extreme. Can you tell a complete story in just 100 words. If so, this is your opportunity to shine. The story can be about any subject you wish, creative approaches are of course encouraged. All stories must have the following: Main Character, Setting, Conflict, Resolution.


All constructive criticism is welcome.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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