Letters and Diary Poetry posted December 22, 2009

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An anger issue that I have.

On The Brink

by Dklrdmcches

Not understanding the fire that burns within the soul,
I cry out in a rage that ignites a blaze of sorrow.
The terror that overwhelms my inner being is immense,
It carries the weight of many decades of frustration.

The fuel is simple, it takes a call of innocence that
Only knows love and peace to push the scale of mountains
To the brink of the city limits of my inner sanctum.
The buttons pushed, the dials on go, it is the call of the wild.

The calm before the storm they say is one of patience,
I can understand this code of honor that is bestowed on
Such a power that is unleashed, it is not to be fooled.
Standing on the precipice of those fallen before, I choke.

Looking back, I have caused an avalanche of emotions to dance.
Hurting those that only want to love and cherish life,
I am the beast that is on the run from those that ache.
The page has now turned, the future bright, the anger diminished.


I have been battling an anger issue since high school and it has been under control for many years until today, this is the guilt that I feel for letting it get the best of me.
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