General Fiction posted June 5, 2008 Chapters:  ...25 26 -27- 28... 

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Michael Conti doesn't feel well.

A chapter in the book Caduceus

Michael's Symptoms

by cardiodoug

Carlo's only child is having problems.

Michael Conti, son of Carlo and Marie is in his late thirties. The Conti's first child, Cassandra, Michael's older sister, died suddenly at age five. Doctors were unable to identify her problem and un

                                                        CHAPTER 25

                                               MICHAEL’S SYMPTOMS


Michael had just returned home from a three mile run. He always warmed down for the last quarter mile and was usually breathing easy by the time he finished.

Laura was in the living room when he entered.
“What’s wrong, honey?”

“Oh, nothing. I’m just having a bit of trouble catching my breath. I don’t think it’s anything serious.”

“You really look beat, Michael. You’re pale!”

He did feel beat. He felt horrible, weak and exhausted.

“Michael, talk to me. Why are you so out of breath? You don't look good at all."

“I don’t know. I think I’ve been having some trouble over the past few weeks.”

“You think? What kind of trouble?”

“My chest gets tight when I run. Today my arms felt a little weird--kinda  heavy.”

“For God’s sake, why didn’t you tell me this before?”

“I doubt it’s anything to worry about, Laura. I’ll be okay. I’m in great shape.”

“Michael, it doesn’t matter if you’re in shape. Chest tightness, arm pain, you can barely catch your breath. I’m worried!”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m worried too. I didn’t want to upset you, so I didn’t tell. I’m sorry.”

“I’m calling a doctor. You have to see someone right away!”

“Okay, I suppose so. Alright, whatever you say, Laura.”

Laura and Michael had been living in Toledo for just over a year. Neither of them had been sick. They didn’t have a family physician. “Michael, I’m gonna find a heart doctor in our insurance booklet.”

Laura walked to the kitchen, opened a drawer and pulled out their health insurance information. The Chrysler-Jeep plant in Toledo had enrolled them in an HMO managed by Aetna. Their HMO booklet showed participating physicians listed alphabetically by subspecialty. Laura scanned the list of cardiologists.

“The program requires a referral form a primary care doctor if you need a specialist. We don’t have a primary doctor.”

Michael thought for a second. “Maybe we can find a doctor who does both internal medicine and cardiology. He could be our primary doctor too.”

“That’s a good idea. I’ll check it out. Here’s one listed for both. His name is Tamayo. He could act as our family doc and your cardiologist.” 

‘What’s his name again?”

“It’s Tamayo, T-A-M-A-Y-O. Raymondo Tamayo. Maybe he’s Italian, Michael.”

“Sounds Spanish to me. Doesn’t matter.”

“Good, his office is close by, too. He’s near Flower Hospital, right here in Sylvania. I'm goning to make an appointment for you right away--tomorrow if possible.”

“Okay. I’ll see him. I guess it’s the best.”

“Of course it is. Absolutely, Michael. You're mother just died in her sleep, honey. Think about it. You might have some kind of inherited problem."

“I know, I know. But Laura, if you happen to talk to my father, don’t mention this, okay?”

“Michael, you know I’d never do that. I never tell him anything, do I? You know I think it’s really stupid that your dad won’t see doctors."

“Come on, you know the situation.”

“Yes I do. I know how angry he is and I think it's ridiculous. I won't interfere. However, regardless of your dad, you have to see a doctor. Now!”

'Okay, I'll go."

"And for God's sake, quit running until we figure this out."

Michael didn't say a word.

Thanks to all reviewers---Doug
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