General Poetry posted December 16, 2024

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a mirror poem~a French Rondeau form

Hall of Mirrors

by Sugarray77

sometimes my world's a mirrored hall
with images both short and tall
nonsensical, illusive traces
reflected in the grotesque faces
reality's a bouncing ball
and when my troubles come to call
confusion seems to bring a pall
reminding me of Fairs odd places
a mirrored hall
and as I reach to touch the wall,
uneven floors induce a fall
disoriented, stumbled paces
define my life and fill my spaces
advancing... I begin to crawl
a mirrored hall

Mirror contest writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem concerning you, or someone, and a mirror. Make it humerous or serious; make it structured or free verse, but keep it brief. Use the mirror as a metaphor in anyway you desire.

poetic form is a French Rondeau. Rhyme scheme is aabba. Abbr Aabbar
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