General Poetry posted December 10, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
I designed the art and it's also a big poster on fish house

Grumpy Old Men

by Debi Pick Marquette

Two Minnesota men who love to fish all winter long

They cannot wait for temps to freeze to make the ice here strong

And each of them own a fish house like the guys in the pic

But these grumpy old guys are my hubby and his friend, Rick

So, both these grumpy grampies, each day have one great big wish

And that is when the day is done to have the biggest fish

There is a valid purpose and I'll make it very clear

The one that gets the biggest fish, won't have to buy the beer

What qualifies the two to use that fun "Grumpy Old" name

They love to fish, they play their pranks, the old farts play the game

I'd swear my husband, Glen could play Jack Lemmon's role right now

Then I could be Ann Margaret, and Rick, Walter Matthau

A Grumpy Old Men Festival's in Wabasha each year

The town where both movies were made and it's not far from here

If you've not seen these classics, you have missed a lot of fun

These Grumpy movies and my guy, they still are number one



These two movies have just a couple questionable scenes that to overlook them is to get a lot of enjoyment from the fun parts. One of our best choices for comedy so far.
Yet this poem is just to say that my husband and most die-hard Minnesota men love their fishing like these the guys in the movies.
The two movies are called, Grumpy Old Men and Grumpier Old Men.
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