General Poetry posted November 24, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
happy Thanksgiving

Have A Blessed Thanksgiving Day

by l.raven

another summer has ended,
and once again surrenders
to the bitter cold of the winter 
as God's critters are getting warm
in their cozy homes,
preparing to hibernate from the icy snows,
 and the cold days of winter
it's time for everyone to pull out
their soft heavy blankets,
unpack their flannel pajamas,
and cuddle up on the couch,
make a big bowl of buttered popcorn
and watch their favorite holiday movies
it's that time of year...
once again I wish my FanStory
family and friends,
Tom and staff
and all those I have never
had the pleasure to meet
A Blessed Thanksgiving Day
I ask everyone to please pray for those
who have lost so much this year,
and are struggling to making ends meet
pray they find peace and comfort
with family and friends
now and always
and once again I ask
that we pray for the homeless,
and the less fortunate
that they find shelter from the cold,
and a warm meal on this Thanksgiving Day
and every day after
let us all be grateful to God everyday
for all His blessings He showers on us,
 and His eternal love throughout the year
I wish everyone a Blessed Thanksgiving Day
and if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving on this day
Have a lovely day...
from me to you...
Love You...Linda xxoo



My Sweet Friends, I haven't been on FanStory to much this year.
As I'm still staying busy with so much I needed
to do.I truly hope this next year I can start writing again.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving day.No matter when
you celebrate it. love you all...Linda xxoo

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